The Overview Of Approach Control Unit Cabin Facilities Related To Noise


  • Priyandhika Hanievan Zaqiya Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug
  • Dhian Supardam Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug



Noise, environment, air traffic


As an ATC, we should be able to give our full focus when providing air traffic services. If we cannot focus when working due to noise in the cabin, then the safety of the aircraft can also be threatened. Therefore, an ATC should get a work environment that can support his performance so that he can work optimally. This article delves into the challenges encountered by Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) during their duties at the Tarakan Approach Control Unit, a crucial component of Juwata International Airport in Tarakan, North Kalimantan, Indonesia. The study revolves around the adverse effects of excessive noise levels within the ATC cabin on controller performance and aviation safety. Through qualitative descriptive methodology, this study explores the factors contributing to the noise problem within the Tarakan APP cabin. It identifies two major sources of noise: gaps in windows and doors, permitting external sounds to infiltrate the cabin, and the lack of sound insulation in the flooring. The results section introduces alternative solutions proposed by the author to mitigate the noise issue and enhance the ATC work environment. These solutions encompass the use of headsets, transitioning to a Voice Communication Control System (VCCS), installing sound-absorbing materials on the cabin floor, and incorporating UPVC to seal gaps in windows and doors. In conclusion, this study highlights the critical need for an enabling work environment that supports ATCs in ensuring aviation safety. The author encourages relevant authorities to consider and implement the proposed solutions to establish a more efficient, effective, safe, and comfortable air traffic control environment at Tarakan APP, ultimately benefiting air navigation services.


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