The Importance Of Integrated LOCA Between Adjacent Units in Aerodrome
Integrated, LOCA, Safety Management SystemAbstract
This journal discusses the importance of Letter Of Operasional Coordination Agreement (LOCA) and the connection of LOCA between units in the implementation of aviation at Aerodrome. Aviation is a unified system consisting of the use of airspace, aircraft, Aerodromes, air transportation, flight navigation, safety and security, the environment, and other public facilities. To optimize and improve the quality, safety, and security of aviation operations, one way is to create synergy between units at the Aerodrome so that coordination and collaboration between units can be optimized. LOCA is one of the main supports for creating optimal flight operations. This research aims to harmonize the main tasks, functions, and authorities between units so that there are no similarities so that there is no overlap in authority which could have the potential to be bad in the implementation of flight operations at Aerodrome.
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