The Need for Letter Of Agreement Aerodrome Control Tower Unit And Helicopter Operator To Improve Flight Safety


  • Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Dalimunthe Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug
  • Lina Rosmayanti Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug



LoCa, training area, Coordination


LOCA is a written agreement between two or more adjoining aviation traffic service providing units where aviation traffic services are carried out by the parties concerned stating the conditions, methods and procedures used to regulate cooperation between these units. The problem of this research is the occurrence of coordination problem between Tower unit and radio operator unit of PT NUH in Kariangau which is not optimal and will give impact on flight operation service in Balikpapan. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The result of this research is the creation of LOCA (Letter of Coordination Agreement) whose content and agreement will be further discussed regarding the problems that have occurred when the aircraft conduct training flight and Departure (takeoff/airbone) in Kariangau Area.


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