Renewal Study of LoCa Between ATS RO Unit and Approach Combined With Tower Unit Perum LPPNPI Ternate


  • Arizal Dwi Cahyakurnia Putra PPI Curug
  • Dwi Lestary Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug



LoCa, coordination, ATS RO


An Air Traffic Controller (ATC) can be easily disrupted by several factors. At the AirNav Ternate Assistant Branch Office, the author observed several factors that could disturb the performance of an ATC. These factors include the need for ATC to directly monitor the AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network) to discover flight plans and flight-related news. Each working unit must have good coordination. In the LOCA (Local Operating Control Area) between ATS RO (Area Control Center) and APP (Approach Control) combined with TWR (Tower), it is not clarified that ATS RO personnel inform the TWR unit about flight plans and flight-related news. Moreover, there is a lack of authority and responsibility for each unit, making it unclear what the exact authority and obligations of each unit are in carrying out their tasks. The research employed by the author involves qualitative observational research methods. The study led to the renewal of the LOCA between ATS RO and the APP combined with TWR in Ternate. This renewal includes the delineation of authority for each unit and the responsibilities that each unit must carry out. There is coordination regarding the notification of an aircraft's capabilities in using PBN (Performance-Based Navigation) or RNP (Required Navigation Performance) from the ATS RO unit to the APP combined with the TWR unit in Ternate. This coordination is achieved using the available communication tools.


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