Factors Influencing Airport Technology Development: Customer Convenience, Aviation Security, and Environmental Issues
airport technology, customer convenience, aviation security, environmental issuesAbstract
Technology development had introduced automation techniques in the airport operation and service system. Passengers also feel more comfortable choosing an airport which has equipped with technology. Therefore, many airports are becoming more enthusiastic about implementing new technologies because they can increase efficiency, reliability, and sustainability within their operations. This article then tried to explain several factors which are significantly influencing airport technology development. The method used by the authors was a qualitative method focusing on the literature review. The research result showed that there are three prominent factors influencing airport technology development. First, the customer convenience factor encourages airports to apply self-service technologies that are more flexible and efficient. Second, the aviation security factor creates body scanner technology to automatically scan the passengers and the liquid explosives detection system. Third, environmental issues can be looked at from the airport’s efforts to implement various energy-saving behaviors and utilize renewable energy sources. Moreover, there are also other factors influencing the airport technology development, namely price, rapidness, customer experience, customer value, risk minimization, and communication enhancem.
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