Modeling Circle Runway to Increase Runway Capacity


  • Ervina Ahyudanari Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  • Reynaldi Tejakesuma Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember



Circular Runway, Crosswind, Runway Capacity


Runway is a runway for airplanes to land (landing) or to fly (takeoff). Runway is a major component in an airport, it is necessary to plan a good runway. The runway at Juanda Airport uses a conventional system where the runway is rectangular. In this final project the author plans a runway with a circular runway model. The circular runway is a radical new runway design with a circular shape. With a circular runway, airport operators can operate the runway regardless of the wind direction and for all types of aircraft. Airports with circular runways have a smaller footprint than airports with conventional runways. With the existence of a circular runway, it is expected to increase runway capacity compared to conventional runway capacity. Circular runways can also allow airports to continue operating without interference from crosswinds. From the calculation results, it is found that the runway has a circumference of 9864 m. The ARFL length obtained for a circular runway with a Boeing 747-400 aircraft as a reference is 3795 m. The width of the circular runway is determined to be 140 m wide. The slope of the runway starts at an angle of 0° and then increases gradually to 20°. While the force felt by the aircraft when landing on a circular runway is 0.43 g. Juanda's conventional runway capacity is 32 operations per hour. Where the circular runway capacity is 64 operations per hour, this capacity may increase depending on the type of aircraft served.


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