Analysis Of The Aviation Security Officer's Role In Ensuring Aviation Security During The New Normal And Endemic


  • Andi Frianto Perangin Angin Politeknik Penerbangan Jayapura
  • Rifqi Raza Bunahri Politeknik Penerbangan Jayapura
  • Musri Kona Politeknik Penerbangan Jayapura
  • Dhian Supardam Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug
  • Hadi Prayitno Akademi Penerbang Indonesia Banyuwangi



aviation security, aviation, covid-19, new normal, endemic


At the end of 2019, the world was shaken by the emergence of a new virus, namely the coronavirus. The more people gather in confined spaces, the greater the risk of coronavirus transmission. Airports are places where many individuals from various countries and regions gather, posing the potential to spread viruses or infectious diseases. By implementing health protocols at airports, it is hoped that the spread of diseases can be controlled, providing passengers with confidence to travel safely by air. This research employs a qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and documentation. Additionally, quantitative methods involve univariate and bivariate analysis of data. Univariate analysis is presented in frequency distribution, while bivariate analysis uses an independent t-test with a confidence interval of 95% (? = 0.05). The data analysis process includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results indicate that the average level of active service during the pandemic is higher compared to the endemic period. The increased implementation of flight activities may be attributed to the ongoing transmission of COVID-19. During the endemic era, new practices are observed at airports, including examinations aligned with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Additional checks and rules are imposed on prospective passengers and airport personnel, such as the mandatory use of masks and health document inspections for passengers undertaking travel.


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