Mechanical Properties Of Biocomposites With Unsaturated Vinyl Ester Matrix Reinforced With Durian Skin Fiber As A Green Composite Application


  • Putra Hastu University of Jember
  • Josua Billion Silitonga Faculty of Egineering, University of Jember
  • Mochamad Asrofi Faculty of Egineering, University of Jember
  • Dedi Dwi Laksana Faculty of Egineering, University of Jember
  • Revvan Rifada Pradiza Faculty of Egineering, University of Jember
  • Haris Setyawan Faculty of Egineering, University of Jember



Durian skin fiber (DSF), vinylester fortchem 411 VE, alkali treatment, casting, biocomposite, tensile properties


In this study, a biocomposite based on vinylester fortchem 411 VE filled with durian skin fiber (DSF) was successfully synthesized using the casting method with the aid of a catalyst to accelerate the biocomposite fabrication process. DSF was treated with 7% NaOH. The biocomposite was loaded separately with treated DSF at 3 to 6% by weight, and its tensile properties were investigated. The tensile strength and elastic modulus of the biocomposite decreased with the addition of DSF particles, and lower values were found compared to the matrix. Additionally, alkali treatment on DSF reduced the strain and modulus of the biocomposite compared to the composite without DSF filler. The opposite trend was found in the case of elongation at break. However, biocomposites with treated DSF showed greater elongation compared to biocomposites without DSF filler. This was indicated by the presence of air voids and roughness on the fractured surface of the biocomposite treated with DSF.


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