Sustainable Energy for Sorong's Fishermen: Solar Panel Technology Implementation
Solar panel, Fishing vessel, Renewable energy, SorongAbstract
The decrease in the quantity of fishermen residing in Sorong City serves to underscore the considerable operational costs that they encounter, primarily attributable to unpredictability in catches and fuel usage. This study investigates the capacity of solar panel technology to mitigate these obstacles by supplying fishing vessels with sustainable energy sources. Despite being widely adopted on land, solar panel technology continues to be underutilized in marine environments, particularly within the fishing industry of Sorong City. The purpose of this study is to examine the advantages of installing solar panels to illuminate fishing vessels in Sorong City in order to provide practical suggestions for ensuring the sustainability of the industry. The study employed a descriptive qualitative research design, incorporating methods such as interviews, documentation review, and literature review. The installation of ten solar panel lighting systems yielded several benefits, including decreased dependence on fossil fuels, improved economic and operational sustainability, enhanced safety during operations, and social advantages. The study makes a valuable contribution towards facilitating the integration of solar panel technology into the fishing sector by establishing a framework for policies that encourage the adoption of this technology in fishing communities.
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