Analysis Of Compensation, Work Environment On Employee Performance With Satisfaction Employment As An Intervening Variable


  • Cut Maulita Master of Management Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Mesra B University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


Compensation; Work_Environment_Employee Performance; Satisfaction;


The purpose of this study is to try and look into how compensation (X1), and work environment (X2) on employee performance affect employee performance (Y), which is mediated by satisfaction (Z). The people in this study were customers, and 120 samples were taken. From December 2023 to January 2024, the study was done. The SEM-PLS analysis model with Smart PLS 3.0 application was used to process the quantitative data used in this work. Primary data came from people who answered the survey, and secondary data came from talking to people who work at the Department of Industry, Trade, Energy, and Mineral Resources in North Sumatra Province. The study's findings indicate that compensation has a good and major impact on happiness. This means that pay has a good and not very important effect on job satisfaction, and so does the work environment. Employee satisfaction has a small but good effect on how well they do their job. The work environment has a big and good effect on how well employees do their jobs. Competence has a big and good effect on how well employees do their jobs. Pay has a small but good effect on how well employees do their jobs.


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