Support System for the Decision to Selection of the Best Employees in Career Development Employee Performance at the Airport


  • Nuraini Kemala Sari University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


component, Airport, Human Resource


Airports are centers of economic activity, becoming the main gateway for the global movement of people and goods. Working conditions at airports are dynamic, so it is important to analyze the relationship between job training and career development with employee performance in the airport work environment. Optimal employee performance is critical in achieving efficient operational goals and providing quality service to passengers. Human resources are one of the factors that determine the effectiveness and productivity of an organization, the success of all types of organizations basically depends on the skills and abilities of the community of employees who make it up. Decision support system or can be used to analyze the selection of the best employees at the airport so as to create high morale and work motivation in employees. Analysis of the decision support system for selecting the best employees is carried out with applications used by leaders using the profile matching method in the process of finding value to be more effective and assessment to be more objective.


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