Legal Protection of Household Assistants Under Labor Law in Indonesia


  • Masitah Pohan Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera


Legal Protection, Domestic Assistant, Employment Law.


Household assistant? No have umbrella law For get rights as worker. Everyone needs it work for fulfil need for more life prosperity, work is mandatory demands? filled with everyone inside? maintain his life. Protection law for assistant House ladder only can accomplished If There is base clear law? for can applies for workers? House stairs and make they as worker in a juridical sense. Problem in study This is form protection law to assistant House ladder in materialized welfare and rights as assistant House ladder. In research This use method study normative law with approach normative juridical. Deep data collection study This done with Study librarianship (library research) towards regulation related laws and regulations and analyze the data qualitative. Research result This can the conclusion that assistant House ladder get protection law based on Constitution Number 13 of 2003 concerning Employment and earning rights for materialized a more prosperous life.


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