Village Financial Ratios in Assessing the Performance of Village Financial Statements in Kota Pari Village


  • Oktarini Khamilah Siregar University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Rahima Br Purba University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Tri Dessy Ratna Sari Master University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


Village financial ratio, Village Financial Report


Government financial reports are an information media tool as a means to assess government financial performance in assessing government achievements in village financial management. The purpose of this study is to analyze village financial performance through a ratio approach with village income and expenditure analysis, analyze the degree of decentralization, village financial income ratio, village income growth analysis, village expenditure efficiency ratio, PADesa effectiveness ratio, village expenditure ratio per field village government organizers, implementers of village development, disaster management and community development on village income, City Village Government It is necessary to improve financial performance such as the degree of decentralization and analysis of very low village income growth, high village financial dependence ratio, less effective village original income effectiveness ratio, less efficient village expenditure efficiency ratio, good perfield village expenditure ratio. The village government of Kota Pari makes policies regarding the management of village original income through monitoring and evaluation so that the village's original income target is achieved.


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