Analysis of Compensation, Work Discipline and Job Promotion on Employee Performance with Work Morale as an Intervening Variable


  • Mesra B University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Kiki Farida Ferine University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Muhammad Nur University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


Compensation, Work Discipline, Job Promotion, Morale.


This study aims to find out and test the analysis of compensation, work discipline, and job promotion on employee performance with work morale as an intervening variable at Tanjung Pura Hospital, Langkat Regency. The population in this study is 86 employees. The sampling technique used was saturated sampling. This study uses quantitative primary data collected through questionnaires and processed with the Smart-PLS Software application. The research was conducted in 2023. The analysis technique used is using the path analysis model. The results of the study showed that compensation, work discipline and job promotion had a positive and significant effect on employee performance with work morale as an intervening variable at Tanjung Pura Hospital, Langkat Regency. In addition, compensation, work discipline, and job promotions also have a positive and significant effect on employee performance directly. These findings indicate that increased compensation, work discipline, and job promotions can increase employee morale, which will ultimately have an impact on improving employee performance at Tanjung Pura Hospital, Langkat Regency.


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