Issuance Of Business License (NIB) For Halal Certification Legal Review Of The Implementation Of OSS (Online Single Submission)
business license, halal certification, online single submissionAbstract
With the issuance of PP No. 24/2018, all laws and regulations that are hierarchically lower than the Government Regulation, With the issuance of PP No. 24/2018, all laws and regulations that are hierarchically lower than Government Regulations, Presidential Regulations, Ministerial Regulations, Agency Regulations, Regional Regulations, Regional Head Regulations must follow and make adjustments to the OSS system, where Online single submition is one application that provides access to be able to register NIB, one of which is NIB registration as a requirement for registration of Halal certification What is the concentration of discussion in this paper is how the issuance of NIB and its relation to halal certification in the legal perspective, This research is normative legal research where normative legal research takes data with a statutory approach. normative legal research or study is basically: "to explain the law or look for meaning and sources of value for the law, only legal concepts are used and the steps taken are normative steps". The statute approach in legal research is used to observe the results of human behavior, issuance of business licenses and issuance of Commercial and/or Operational Licenses in an integrated manner through OSS for both businesses in the form of business entities and individuals, whether micro, small, medium or large businesses; individual/business entity businesses both new and established prior to the operationalization of OSS; as well as businesses with capital that is entirely domestic, or there is a composition of foreign capital, The issuance of business licenses in the halal certification process must comply with the principles of compliance with halal standards, transparency, consumer protection, and sanctions and law enforcement against violations. This aims to ensure product halalness and consumer confidence in halal products consumed.
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