The Importance of Implementing Android-Based Financial Applications in MSME Financial Reports in Kota Pari Village
Android_Based_Financial_App; Financial_Statements; MSMEs; Android_Based;Abstract
Financial applications are urgently needed by MSMEs in managing finances effectively and efficiently, so that they can improve the quality of financial reports. The purpose of the study is to analyze how important the application of Android-based financial applications is to the financial statements of MSMEs in Kota Pari Village, Serdang Bedagai. The research method used is descriptive using a qualitative approach. This study uses case studies with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that the application of Android-based financial applications to MSMEs in Kota Pari Village, Serdang Bedagai provides significant benefits. This application can help MSMEs in recording financial transactions, compiling income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow in a more structured manner. In addition, this application also makes it easier for MSMEs to apply for credit and get financial support from financial institutions. Thus, the application of Android-based financial applications to MSMEs in Kota Pari Village, Serdang Bedagai is very important to improve the quality of financial reports and support business growth.
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