Socialization Of Improving The Quality of Human Resources In Shaping The Character of Students In The Boarding School Darul Mursyid Islamic Boarding School
Socialization, Improving, Human Resource, CharacterAbstract
This community service program aims to improve the quality of human resources through the character building of students at Darul Mursyid Islamic Boarding School. This activity is carried out with intensive and structured socialization regarding the importance of character development in the context of pesantren education. The socialization involved various parties, including ustadz, students, and educators, to ensure that character values such as honesty, discipline, responsibility, and hard work can be internalized properly by the students. The methods used in this socialization include lectures, group discussions, and interactive workshops. The results of this activity are expected to increase the students' awareness and ability to apply positive character values in their daily lives, so that they can become individuals with integrity and contribute positively to the wider community.
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