Application for Prohibited Item Data Collection for the Security Division of Kualanamu International Airport


  • Rio Septian Hardinata University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Leni Marlina University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Dimas Achmad Wibowo University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


baggage_handling_system, prohibited_items, aviation_safety


Kualanamu International Airport, the second-largest airport in Indonesia and the fourth-largest in Southeast Asia, has adequate security facilities for aviation safety, such as an automated baggage handling system (BHS). However, the airport security system lacks a centralized system for recording prohibited items and lost or misplaced belongings in the security screening area. This shortcoming impacts the level of service (LOS) of the airport, which is assessed annually through surveys distributed to airport users. A decline in the   could lead to the airport losing its international status, affecting both the internal operations and the surrounding regional economy. This research aims to develop a Prohibited Item Data Collection Application for the Airport Security Division at Kualanamu International Airport. The application will digitize the process of recording prohibited items and lost or misplaced belongings, as well as provide monthly reports to facilitate the retrieval of retained items by passengers. The study involves the participation of Airport Security personnel, who have confirmed the importance of developing this application to support their work performance.


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