Analysis of The Relationship Between Improving HR Services and Work Motivation in the Living Lab Glugur Rimbun


  • Fadhilah Dzikri University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Sri Rahayu University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


Work_Motivation, HR_Services, Glugur_ Rimbun, Service_Improvement.


This study examines the relationship between improving Human Resources (HR) services and work motivation in the Living Lab Glugur Rimbun Area. This research is important to understand the dynamics of human resources in a work environment that focuses on sustainability and technology. This study uses a mixed-method approach, this study combines a quantitative survey of 13 workers and in-depth interviews with  HR leaders  at Panca Budi Development University. The variables studied include aspects of HR services such as green technology-based training, welfare programs that support work-life balance, and performance management systems that are integrated with the goal  of achieving performance targets. The results of the study showed a significant positive correlation between the improvement of HR services and the level of work motivation. The study also reveals current challenges, such as adapting to rapid changes in technology, the need for new skills in data management, data input, and the importance of building employee resilience in the face of technological disruption. The implications of this study include recommendations for the development of a more adaptive and innovation-focused HR strategy in the context of the Glugur Rimbun living lab  of Panca Budi Development University. This study contributes to the HR management literature in improving servants and highlights the importance of integrating HR development with the motivation created by leaders with the goal of sustainability and work innovation.


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