Economic Consequences of Domestic Violence (Study of Besilam Village, Langkat Regency)
Economic Consequences, Occurrence, Domestic ViolenceAbstract
Domestic Violence (DV) is a detrimental and complex phenomenon, involving social, psychological, and economic aspects in the context of the family. This study aims to identify and analyze economic factors that contribute to the occurrence of domestic violence in Besilam Village, Langkat Regency. A comprehensive approach that includes economic, social, and educational aspects is needed to address the problem of domestic violence in Besilam Village. Efforts are needed to strengthen women's economy through skills training and better access to jobs, as well as education about the importance of equality in marital relationships. In addition, support from the government and related institutions is needed in providing protection and services for victims of domestic violence, as well as social campaigns to raise public awareness of the negative impacts of domestic violence. Efforts are needed to strengthen women's economy through skills training and better access to jobs, as well as education about the importance of equality in marital relationships. In addition, support from the government and related institutions is needed in providing protection and services for victims of domestic violence, as well as social campaigns to raise public awareness of the negative impacts of domestic violence.
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