Analyzing Turnover Intention, Employment Period, and Employee Performance in National Narcotics Agency of North Sumatra
turnover intention, length of working, employee performance, culture organizationAbstract
This research aims to determine and analyze the relationship between turnover intention and length of service on employee performance in Organizational Culture Mediation in the National Narcotics Agency Work Unit (Satker BNN) of North Sumatra Province. The type of research used is quantitative. The population and sample in this research are all permanent employees in the North Sumatra Province BNN Satker, totaling 100 employees (saturated sample). The data source used in this research is primary data. Data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method based on Partial Least Square (PLS) using SmartPLS software. The results of the research state that based on the results and discussion described above, it is concluded that: there is a positive and significant influence of turnover intention on employee performance, there is a positive and significant influence of turnover intention on organizational culture, there is a positive and significant influence of tenure on employee performance. , there is a positive and significant influence of work experience on organizational culture, however, organizational culture does not have a positive and significant influence on employee performance in the Provincial BNN Working Unit.
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