The Role of Skills, Education and Work Quality in Increasing Community Competence in SMEs in Pari City Village, Serdang Bedagai Regency
Skills, Education, Performance Quality and CompetenceAbstract
This research took place in the village of Pari City, Serdang Bedagai Regency, the type of this research was quantitative and associative, from the total sample in this research there were 35 respondents, of which the respondents were residents or SME groups in the village of Pari City. Pari village is still classified as the most superior village on the one hand. Pari town village focuses on government policy only on development in both agriculture and animal husbandry. However, other sources in the city of Pari are still MSMEs which are able to improve a village but the government is still focusing on agriculture and animal husbandry. The development policy carried out by the Pari City Village Government focuses on the agricultural and livestock sectors because these sectors are still the main sectors in the village economy. community competence, in Pari village itself, the community, especially parents, only criticize elementary school education and being fishermen, there are many roles of education that will also advance the village or compete in education. high school and not continuing to college, the lack of education will affect the lack of results of their work, and what's more, with their understanding of quality work in the Pari village, it is not possible to find out which performance is quality or not.
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