Implementation of Law Number 8 of 1999 on the Development of Information Technology in the Economic Development
Information Technology, Economy, Micro, Small and Medium EnterprisesAbstract
MSME is the meaning of a business or business carried out by individuals, groups, small business entities, or households. Indonesia as a developing country makes MSME the main foundation of the community's economic sector, this is done to encourage the ability of independence that develops in society, especially in the economic sector. In Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection regulates matters relating to the Rights and obligations of business actors and consumers. Information Technology (IT) plays a role as a means of transaction for two elements of online business, namely in providing media facilities in the form of the internet. The web is provided as a place for consumers to choose the goods they want, then in this transaction other technologies are needed to support the online business. namely telephone communication technology is needed (as a communication medium), banks (consumer payment media with producers), shipping agents such as Pos Indonesia. So, Information Technology plays a very important role in the development of online business in Indonesia which can also improve the economy in this country. Information Technology or commonly called Information Technology has played an important role in various fields in this world, especially the economy and others.
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