Designing a Website-Based Kota Pari Village Mangrove Application with the Agile Scrumban Method


  • Sri Wahyuni University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Abdul Khaliq University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Hanifah Mutia Zaida Ningrum Amrul University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Aulia Akbar University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


Aplikasi_Mangrove; Agile_Scrumban; Kota_Pari_vilage;


This research is motivated by the problem of degradation of mangrove ecosystems in Kota Pari Village which has reached 35% in the last five years due to land conversion, coastal abrasion, and lack of an effective monitoring system. The purpose of the research is to design and develop a website-based mangrove application by implementing the Agile Scrumban method as a solution for the management and preservation of mangrove ecosystems in the region. Application development is carried out through several stages in accordance with the Scrumban framework, including backlog planning, sprint planning, daily standup, and sprint review. The research uses the Agile Scrumban approach. The application is developed using the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework, MySQL database, and a responsive interface using Bootstrap. The results of the study resulted in a website-based mangrove application that has a feature of mapping the distribution of mangroves in Kota Pari Village with GIS integration, an early warning system for mangrove damage, identification of 15 local mangrove species, monitoring of seed growth, and a community-based participatory reporting system. The system test showed a success rate of 95% based on black box testing and a user satisfaction rate of 87% based on User Acceptance Test (UAT) testing. The implementation of the Agile Scrumban method has proven to be effective in managing changing needs and accelerating the application development process.



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