Design of Tidal Height Monitoring Equipment Based on the Internet of Things For the Preservation of Mangroves at Kurnia My Darling Beach
Internet of Things, Sea tide monitoring, mangrove conservationAbstract
This study discusses the design of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based tidal height monitoring system applied to support the sustainability of mangrove ecosystems in the Kurnia My Darling Beach area. The tides of sea water are a critical factor that affects the growth and survival of mangrove plants. The monitoring system is designed using the Hc-Sr04 ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level in real-time, with data transmitted via the Nodemcu Esp8266 for remote monitoring. The methods used in the design include the needs analysis stage, system design, implementation, and testing. The test results show that the system can provide accurate data on sea level fluctuations with an error rate of less than 5%. The information produced can be used to optimize the management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems in the area. This system is expected to support mangrove conservation efforts by providing accurate and real-time data for better decision-making in mangrove area management
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