A Review of Radio Communication Range to Air Traffic Services


  • Aditya Dwi Sanjaya Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug
  • Dwi Lestary Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug




radio coverage, situational awareness, ATC


OJT activity is an activity of the Higher Education Tridharma (Education, Research and Community Service) which aims to get to know and add insight and scope of work according to the field of assignment, as well as as an encouragement to cadets to be able to work individually or work in a team competently. the data carried out in this research is based on the author's observations and data on the ATS Operational Logbook Unit Approach Control Procedural Airnav Tarakan Branch from September to December 2022, so as to obtain results. In carrying out their duties, ATC really needs situational awareness related to matters regarding ATC internal and external conditions. Based on the author's observations during OJT, traffic conditions at Juwata International Airport are very high. However, the radio communication range used by ATC is less than optimal, causing consequences that can interfere with the comfort of flight traffic services.


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Letter of the Director of the Indonesian Aviation Polytechnic Curug, Number: SM.106/19/05/PPSDMPU-2022

Letter NO.3336/SQ/00/KLH.05.03/VII/2022 AirNav Indonesia. Procedures regarding readback and hearback


