Analysis of Business Capital, Ability and Will to Sales of Small Businesses in Kota Pari Village North Sumatra
Business Capital, Ability and Will, Small Business SuccessAbstract
This study aims to analyze business capital, ability, and willingness to sell small businesses managed by housewives in Kota Pari Village, North Sumatra. Small businesses managed by housewives play an important role in driving the local economy and improving family welfare. However, the factors that influence the success of these small businesses are not fully understood. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection through questionnaires distributed to small business owners who are housewives in Kota Pari Village. The research sample consisted of 200 respondents who were randomly selected. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and regression analysis. The results showed that business capital, ability to manage the business, and willingness to develop have a significant impact on the success of small businesses managed by housewives in Kota Pari Village. Adequate business capital provides them with the resources to start and run a business better, while skills in management, marketing and finance play an important role in increasing productivity and profitability. In addition, a strong willingness to learn and grow enables business owners to overcome obstacles and pursue opportunities in their businesses. This research provides positive implications for policymakers and small business support institutions in the region. Encourage greater access to venture capital, skills training, and training for small businesses. mentoring can help housewives managing small businesses to achieve greater success and overall contribute to the economic growth of Kota Pari Village and its surroundings.
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