History of The Concept of Restorative Justice (Study of Besilam Village, Langkat City)


  • Lidya Rahmadani Hasibuan University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Syaiful Asmi Hasibuan University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Nurbela Br. Purba University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


History of Restorative Justice, Child Criminal Cases, Child Protection, (Study Of Besilam Village, Langkat City)


The  history of the development of modern law in the application of restorative justice began with the implementation of a settlement program outside of traditional justice carried out by the community called victim offender mediation which began in the 1970s in Canada. Observers and practitioners who discuss restorative justice conclude that so far victims have essentially not been included in the traditional criminal justice process. Victims are only needed as witnesses if necessary, but in decision-making policies they are not involved at all. The development of the concept of restorative justice in the last 20 years has experienced very rapid development in several countries such as Australia, Canada, England and Wales, New Zealand and several other countries in Europe and the Pacific region. Likewise, in the United States, as a country that more often forms associations with countries to introduce repressive measures of punishment, America cannot avoid the strong influence of the development of restorative justice. Michael Tonry in 1999 began a survey of American sentencing policies with the results of his research obtaining several The living concepts regarding punishment to this day are structured sentencing, risk-based sentencing, indeterminate punishment and restorative/community justice. So restorative justice is one of the punishment concepts that has been developed and is already running in the United States.


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