Planning Strategy to Improve Accessibility in Remote Areas Through Transportation Infrastructure in Lahomi District


  • Selviana Ginting University of Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Wahyu Hidayat University of Pembangunan Panca Budi


Urban Facilities, Community Participation, Urban Planning, West Nias.


This study aims to analyze the role of city facilities in encouraging community participation in urban planning in West Nias. Community participation is an important element in the success of sustainable and inclusive urban development, while adequate city facilities have the potential to be a means of social interaction that can stimulate community involvement. With a descriptive-qualitative approach, this study evaluates the availability, condition, and accessibility of city facilities, including green open spaces (RTH), transportation infrastructure, and community activity centers. The results of the study indicate that although regional expansion aims to improve public services, the challenges faced by West Nias in maintaining and repairing public facilities hinder the optimization of community participation. The inadequate condition of facilities, limited accessibility especially for vulnerable groups, and the lack of transparency of information related to urban planning are the main obstacles that need to be overcome. This study suggests improvements in the management and accessibility of city facilities through collaboration between the government and the community to create an urban environment that supports active citizen involvement. These findings are expected to be the basis for formulating policies and strategies for developing more inclusive and sustainable urban infrastructure in West Nias.


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